
Life's adventures

Tag: Marathon Training (page 1 of 1)

Is To Much Popcorn Bad For Your Health??

All this week I’ve been eating popcorn. Not the sweet stuff you buy in the shops but the one you make at home. As if this makes much of a difference. Instead of sugar  over the top salt was the kicker in the otherwise hunger craving filler.

 All week long I’ve been mastering the cooking process of making popcorn. Instead of oil I used coconut oil and found that it gave a it a better taste. But the problem is my addiction. Why do I take it to the limit.  Friday night is here and my sexy girl friend has taken to the popcorn like a fish to water. Ahh popcorn the great hunger stopper but my question is? How bad is popcorn for you. Clearly the salt is a no no but what about the corn.

The popcorn adventure is to be continued.