
Life's adventures

Category: All things Cycling (page 4 of 7)

All things cycling from daily commuting to cycle touring and all the bits in between

This Will Change Your Life

Warning to anyone thinking about doing a cycle touring trip. This will change your life. I’ve done two cycle trips and both of them were completely amazing. My first trip was in 2013 where a rode from UK to italy over three months and the second was in 2015 where I rode from Geneva to Cannes coving 1080 kilometres and climbing 18 mountains. Both of these trip left me with amazing memories which brings me back to my warning message. This Will Cange Your Life.

Planning A trip

My first trip took very little planning really. I decided that I would ride the coast of Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. Then I choose a bike. I went with a Thorn Sherpa. Then I looked at panniers and then racks. After that I got myself a google nexus tablet and a Panasonic camera. Oh I also got a small tent, sleeping bag and mat. The last thing I got was a cooking stove.

So out of all of these items I got what was the most important. Well for me it was this.. My Dreams. Your Dreams become reality. I true believe that this is the single most important thing .


Punctures are a fact of life when you cycle every day. You can go for months without having one then they come along like buses.

First One


Second one a week later


Huge screws. The bike needs a good clean too.


A Little Quote

 “Life is What Happens To You While You’re Busy Making Other Plans”

I heard that quote a few times over the years, but recently it has become more profound and I firmly believe that to be the case. Life is a journey with interactions with people and situations that can change the course of your life. That’s not to say you have no control and you should just bounce off one life’s event to another and see what happens. I think it’s more about how you deal with life’s unplanned situations and make the most of what you have.

I believe that we are always growing and changing, for some of us, it’s on a conscious level and for other’s it’s on a subconscious level. Life may not always be a bed of roses but remember the person you are and be the best version of you.

Dreams become reality


In 2013 my dreams became a reality. I packed in my job and went for it. In June 2013 I took the ferry from Portsmouth to Santander in Spain and started my trip. I rode the coast img_20130712_221837of Spain, Portugal, South of France and finally ending in Italy. The trip lasted for three months and I loved every second of it. Every day was a new adventure and an experience at every corner. From being, arrested for not using a bike helmet in Spain to staying in a brothelimg_20130724_212809 in Marseille are just a few of the memories I have from my trip.  I can honestly say the whole experience changed me in so many ways. The freedom from the day to day routine of life made a lasting impression on me and to this day I dream of doing a similar ride again. I
kept a blog of my trip and called it (Keep the coast of the right). This was my first ever blog.

For Those Who Suffer We Ride

file_0069 (1)That trip left me with a new found confidence and self-belief that took me to so many new places and adventures in my life. Late in 2014 I started a new job which took me to new countries and then in 2015 I rode with a group of guys called “The Fire flies tour” The Tour is a charity that supports Blood cancer research. On that tour I rode 1080 kilo meters and climbed 18 mountains in ten days. This was an amazing trip and I thank the Fireflies for the opportunity to ride with me. For Those Who Suffer We Ride. The motto of the Flies.

file_004To this day a ride every day and love it. I feel cycling has saved my life and this is why I’ve called this blog “Cycle For Your Life”. In this blog I will be writing my thoughts and views on cycling, wellness and my life views.

Peace and respect

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours

Quote by Dr Wayne Dyer




Fireflies Photo Gallery


Click here to view the gallery

In June of 2015 I was privileged to join a band of brothers and sisters called the

Fireflies. We rode from Geneva to Cannes covering 1050 kilometres over eighteen mountains climbing on average 3400 meters everyday in just ten days.

They ride in support of the Leukaemia bloodwise charity. This elite group media professionals have a saying. “For Those Who Suffer We Ride” and let me tell you, we rode and rode hard. Thank you to all the guys and girls for one of the most memorable adventures of my life. Click here to view The Fireflies Website

